
Frequently Questions

Do you have any questions about Saumya Cosmetics? See the list below for our most frequently asked questions. If your questions are not listed here, please contact us.

A private label product is sold under a retailer’s brand name and manufactured by a contract manufacturing or third-party manufacturer. As a retailer you have full choice to customize your products, you have to specify each and every detail about the product – how its design, packaging, label, product textures, herbs, ingredients, and luster.

Some of the biggest advantages of private label products include: Control over branding, Control over pricing, Control over profitability.

When you apply vitamin C serum to the affected area, it works by promoting the synthesis of collagen. This is the protein that builds your skin structure and promotes healthy skin. With increased collagen production, the healing of acne wounds is faster.

Oiling hair is an essential part of the hair care routine. Massaging your scalp with oil can promote hair growth, give you thick, long and lengthy hair by stimulating hair follicles. Give your scalp and hair a boost with best Hair oils that nourish the hair and makes hair softer, less frizzy and strong.

Using the best face wash brands on everyday routine will provide clean, healthy and glowing skin. After working for long hours, stressed & busy life, to remove impurities, pollution, dirt & excess oil, to prevent skin dullness and to rejuvenate the facial skin, everyone needs quality face wash on daily routines.

We recommend you use a face scrub once or twice a week. If your skin is particularly oily, you may increase it to three times a week. More than that would tend to over-dry your skin. The best time to use an exfoliator is before a shave.